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Hi, I'm Emma...


I'm very much looking forward to helping you and your dog start your training journey. 


It was the struggles I faced with my own dogs over the years that actually lead me on the path to being your dog trainer. I've been where you are right now, it can feel like a lonely confusing place - But I can tell you now, that with the right support it does get easier.

I have a lot to thank my dogs for, they continue to challenge me and my abilities. Sparking a love for learning and developing my skills. I become passionate about discovering how dogs learn. Focusing on how they feel, and how we can help them to thrive with reward based positive training.

My main passion is helping you develop a connection with your dog,

ensuring that we raise happy, confident dogs that know how to make good choices in day to day life. A dog you can really enjoy.

My Team



Nicknames: Alf, Alfman, Fred, 

Breed: English Springer Spaniel

Age: 12 years old



Nicknames: Bon, NooNoo, Bonana

Breed: English Springer Spaniel

Age: 6 years old



Nicknames: Cal, Calliope, WooWoo

Breed: Working Labrador

Age: 4 Years Old

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